We have a sincere educational aspiration
Through the efforts of experts, students, parents and schools
Consistent diligence and persistence throughout the four seasons
Carry out exploration inquiry activities around six transdisciplinary themes
Infiltrate the top ten IB development goals Learner profile into one-day activities
Finally on May 18th 2022
Become an officially accredited IB World School
IB组织简介 IB organization introduction
国际文凭组织(International Baccalaureate,简称IB)成立于1864年的瑞士日内瓦,是由一群充满活力的国际学校教师共同创造出的一个高质量并富有挑战性的教育体系,力图用教育打造一个更美好、更和平的世界。经过四十多年持续地发展壮大,国际文凭组织(IB)至今与147个国家的4,345间(截至2015年9月为止)国际文凭世界学校(IB World School)合作,提供全球1,234,000位学生高标准的连贯国际教育,依次为小学项目、中学项目、大学预科项目及国际文凭职业教育证书项目。
International Baccalaureate, shortens for IB, is founded in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1864. A group of vibrant international school teachers work together to create a high quality and challenging education system, and try to build a better and more peaceful world. Through development of more than 40 years, IB has cooperated with 4345 IB World School in 147 countries, providing students with high standard international education: the program for primary school programs, middle school programs, university preparatory programs and international diploma professional education certification programs.
使命宣言 Mission statement
国际文凭组织的目标是培养勤学好问、知识渊博、富有爱心的年轻人,他们通过对多元文化的理解和尊重,为开创更美好、更和平的世界贡献力量。 为了实现这个目标,国际文凭组织与众多的学校、政府以及其它国际组织进行合作,开发出一系列具有挑战性的国际教育项目和严格的评估制度。 这些项目鼓励世界各地的学生成长为既积极进取又富有同情心的终身学习者,他们理解尽管人与人之间存在着差异,但他人的意见也可能是正确的。
International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people. Through the multicultural understanding and respect, they aim to create a better and more peaceful world.
In order to achieve this goal, the International Baccalaureate cooperates with numerous schools, government and other international organizations, developing a series of challenging international education programs and strict assessment system.
These programs encourage students from all over the world grow up to be both proactive and compassionate life-long learners. They understand differences between people. The opinions of others also could be right.
国际文凭学习者培养目标 Goals of IB learners
基于国际情怀的教育理念,国际文凭组织(IB)发展出一套《国际文凭学习者培养目标 IB Learner Profile》,条列出十项身为国际文凭学生于授业期间应培养的人格特质及其获得的成果,即积极探究、知识渊博、勤于思考、善于交流、坚持原则、胸襟开阔、懂得关爱、勇于尝试、全面发展和及时反思。这些特质代表着广泛的人类能力和责任,智力的发展和学业的成功已不能满足当今这个快速发展的社会。
《国际文凭学习者培养目标 IB Learner Profile》简洁地描绘了一个协作互助的全球小区的愿景,所有人都具有人类本质的博爱精神,愿意一同分担守护地球的责任,帮助开创一个更美好及更和平的世界。
Based on the international concept of education, IB develops IB Learners Profile, listing 10 personality traits that should be fostered during the course of the education of international diplomas, which are Active inquiry, knowledgeable, diligent in thinking, communicative, adhering to principle, open-minded, caring, trying, comprehensive development and prompt reflection. These qualities represent a wide range of human capacities and responsibilities. Intellectual development and academic success cannot satisfy this rapidly growing society.
IB Learner Profile concisely depicts a teamwork vision of the global village. Everyone has the human nature of humanity spirit, willing to share together to protect the earth's responsibility, to help create a better and more peaceful world.