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家长参观日|想了解常青藤幼儿园的日常课堂吗? 2020-08-28


短暂的半日活动,托班的孩子们分别上了跆拳道、早操、美术、体育、英语等课程,现场课堂气氛热烈欢快,让家长们更好地感受到了常青藤幼儿园IB PYP课程的优势之处,孩子们不仅通过学习收获了知识和技能,同时,收获了更多的快乐的体验以及独立探索的学习品质。

In the early summer of May, the green shade gradually grew luxuriant, and gradually warming weather made the Ivy kindergarten hot. 21th is the open day for parents to come to kindergarten to participate in the daily course of IVY kindergarten with children , so that they can understand the knowledge and skills their children have learned in kindergarten.

For the half day activity, the children took the courses such as Taekwondo, exercises, arts, sports, English. The atmosphere in the classroom was warm and cheerful, and the parents had access to the advantages of the IB PYP curriculum in Ivy Kindergarten. In IVY,children can not only learn advanced knowledge and skills, but also gain more happiness experiences and quality of independent exploration.







As a preschool child, the children of IVY harvest variety of experiences and attempts everyday in the positive interaction with the environment, companions and teachers.. Shanghai Ivy Kindergarten provides kids with courses that help them explore and grow. Through playing and exploring in a positive education environment, kids will have a more efficient study here. 

家长参观日|想了解常青藤幼儿园的日常课堂吗? 2020-08-28
上一篇:Charity Sale|让我们把爱心汇聚成海洋   下一篇:9月开学季 | 健康成长,精彩绽放;藤娃筑梦,扬帆起航!
上一篇:Charity Sale|让我们把爱心汇聚成海洋   下一篇:9月开学季 | 健康成长,精彩绽放;藤娃筑梦,扬帆起航!
家长参观日|想了解常青藤幼儿园的日常课堂吗? 2020-08-28
家长参观日|想了解常青藤幼儿园的日常课堂吗? 2020-08-28


短暂的半日活动,托班的孩子们分别上了跆拳道、早操、美术、体育、英语等课程,现场课堂气氛热烈欢快,让家长们更好地感受到了常青藤幼儿园IB PYP课程的优势之处,孩子们不仅通过学习收获了知识和技能,同时,收获了更多的快乐的体验以及独立探索的学习品质。

In the early summer of May, the green shade gradually grew luxuriant, and gradually warming weather made the Ivy kindergarten hot. 21th is the open day for parents to come to kindergarten to participate in the daily course of IVY kindergarten with children , so that they can understand the knowledge and skills their children have learned in kindergarten.

For the half day activity, the children took the courses such as Taekwondo, exercises, arts, sports, English. The atmosphere in the classroom was warm and cheerful, and the parents had access to the advantages of the IB PYP curriculum in Ivy Kindergarten. In IVY,children can not only learn advanced knowledge and skills, but also gain more happiness experiences and quality of independent exploration.







As a preschool child, the children of IVY harvest variety of experiences and attempts everyday in the positive interaction with the environment, companions and teachers.. Shanghai Ivy Kindergarten provides kids with courses that help them explore and grow. Through playing and exploring in a positive education environment, kids will have a more efficient study here.